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                Shenzhen HJR Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd.

                Shenzhen HJR Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd.

                HJR was registered and established in May 2013. It now located in No. 3333 Guangqiao Road, Xinjianxing Instustrial Park, Gangming District, Shenzhen, is a national well-known high-tech enterprise. We are specialized in touch display screen assembly maintenance, process and service, full lamination of medium-and-large-sized touch display screen; researching, developing, producing and selling of touch display modules; non-medical masks production and sales.

                Our company has a thorough industrial production foundation, factory covers an area of 11,000 square meters; At present, the company has specialized production lines and testing equipment, as well as professional design and development personnel, high quality middle and senior management personnel and high efficiency technical personnel.

                Since HJR was registered, we actively implement international standards, passing ISO 9001:2015Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, TS16949 certification. Our products have obtained marketing authorization of the China Drug Administration, the United States FDA and the European CE, passed ISO 13485:2016Medical Device Quality Management System.

                Main business LCM, TP, LCM+TP Full lamination

                Involved business Consumer, Vehicle-mounted, Medical, Industry Application etc.

                Involved size10.1 inch~86 inch

                Our company is basic on profession and delicate, keeps touch and display products as core, takes high quality manufacturing level and innovation ability as the core competitiveness all along; Strives to provide customers at home and abroad with the best quality products and the most satisfactory service, together to create a better future.